martes, setiembre 26, 2006

A la primera persona!!!

Quisiera buscarte y pedirte disculpas por lo q hice pues lo hice por el dolor que senti o tal vez miedo, quien sabe ni io misma se describir lo que senti, me aleje de ti pero siempre supe que estabas ahi para mi, te odie no sabes cuanto, pero ahora me arrepiento tanto.
Me doy cuenta que lo q hice estuvo mal, ahora te necesito aqui a mi lado, quiero decirte tantas cosas, hablar contigo, saber q aun sientes lo mismo x mi, y si no es asi quisiera tal vez sentir tu compañia, tu apoyo.
Como decirte esto si no se ni siquiera donde estas ahora, no se como hacer para llamarte xq ni tu numero tengo para ubicarte, como buscarte si no se x donde empezar.
Q impotencia no poder hacer nada, solo me queda escribir, como una forma de desahogo xq sino moriria con esto.
Q hacer solo me queda creer q existen momentos en tu vida en los q aun piensas en mi.
Ahora ya pasaron casi cuatro años y hace dos dias te vi, lo presenti, claro, pero no paso de un seco y frio saludo, q dolor senti, mucho mas grande q aquella vez, ni siquiera pude mirarte a los ojos, solo un triste beso de saludo nos unio, ahora corren dos niños a tu lado, no pude decirte nada, no pude gritarle a todo el mundo q moria de ganas de verte, abrazarte, besarte, pero no.
Todo me lo guarde, todo lo oculte, finji mi profunda tristeza con una sonrisa timida.
Mi arrepentimiento se acrecenta, tal vez todo hubiese sido diferente, tal vez esto no me estaria pasando, pero todo se queda asi, como algo incierto, con solo un "tal vez", aunque se q ya nunca estaremos cerca.

lunes, setiembre 25, 2006

Albert Einstein!!!

Vivimos en el mundo cuando amamos.
Sólo una vida vivida para los demás merece la pena ser vivida.

Fray Luis de León!!!

El amor verdadero no espera a ser invitado, antes él se invita y se ofrece primero.

Miguel de Cervantes!!!

Amistades que son ciertas nadie las puede turbar.

Honorato De Balzac!!!

El amor no es sólo un sentimiento, es también un arte.


Mejor que el hombre que sabe lo que es justo es el hombre que ama lo justo.

Charles Dickens!!!

Yo experimento un profundo y humilde deseo, y lo conservaré mientras viva, de aumentar la cantidad de alegría inofensiva.

viernes, setiembre 22, 2006

Magic True!!!

Truco o Magia!!!

David and Dania

Arturo Brachetti

Have a nice day!!!

miércoles, setiembre 20, 2006


Call Me When You're Sober
Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me
Come find me
Make up your mind
Should I let you fall
Lose it all
So maybe you can remember yourself
Can't keep believing
We're only deceiving ourselves
And I'm sick of the lie
And you're too late
Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me
Come find me
Make up your mind
Couldn't take the blame
Sick with shame
Must be exhausting to lose your own game
Selfishly hated
No wonder you're jaded
You can't play the victim this time
And you're too late
Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me
Come find me
Make up your mind
You never call me when you're sober
You only want it cause it's over
It's over
How could I have burned paradise
How could I - you were never mine!
So don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
Don't lie to me
Just get your things
I've made up your mind


Salustiano Masó!!!

El Bosque Ausente
El alto cedro solo en la ladera
llora su sino de superviviente.
¡Cuánto huracán y cuánto fuego siente
roto contra su pecho de madera!
La tempestad rindióle su bandera.
Forjó el alud su gesto combatiente.
Y hoy es el capitán de un bosque ausente
sobre los hombros de la cordillera
Podéis oír al viento todavía
agitar ese bosque en cada una
de sus ramas. Un pájaro de hielo
se posa sobre su melancolía.
Y lo vigila, leñador, el cielo
con el hacha menguante de la luna.

miércoles, setiembre 13, 2006

Couting Crows!!!

Mr. Jones
I was down at the New Amsterdam staring at this yellow-haired girl
Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this black-haired flamenco dancer
She dances while his father plays guitar
She's suddenly beautiful
We all want something beautiful
I wish I was beautiful
So come dance this silence down through the morning
Cut Maria! Show me some of them Spanish dances
Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones
Believe in me
Help me believe in anything
I want to be someone who believes
Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales
Stare at the beautiful women
"She's looking at you. Ah, no, no, she's looking at me"
Smiling in the bright lights
Coming through in stereo
When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely
I will paint my picture
Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray
All of the beautiful colors are very very meaningful
Grey is my favorite color
I felt so symbolic yesterday
If I knew Picasso
I would buy myself a gray guitar and play
Mr. Jones and me look into the future
Stare at the beautiful women
"She's looking at you.Uh, I don't think so. She's looking at me"
Standing in the spotlight
I bought myself a gray guitar
When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely
I want to be a lion
Everybody wants to pass as cats
We all want to be big big stars, but we got different reasons for that
Believe in me
because I don't believe in anything
and I want to be someone to believe
Mr. Jones and me stumbling through the barrio
Yeah we stare at the beautiful women
"She's perfect for you, Man, there's got to be somebody for me"
I want to be Bob Dylan
Mr. Jones wishes he was someone just a little more funky
When everybody loves you, son, that's just about as funky as you can be
Mr. Jones and me staring at the video
When I look at the television, I want to see me staring right back at me
We all want to be big stars, but we don't know why and we don't know how
But when everybody loves me, I'm going to be just about as happy as can be
Mr. Jones and me, we're gonna be big stars...

Luis Miguel!!!

Tal vez seria mejor que no volvieras
quizas fuera mejor que me olvidaras
Volver es empezar a atormentarnos
a querernos para odiarnos
sin principio ni final
Nos hemos hecho tanto, tanto daño
que amor entre nosotros, es martirio
jamás quiso llegar el desengaño
ni el olvidio, ni el delirio
seguiremos siempre igual
Cariño como el nuestro es un castigo
que se lleva en el alma hasta la muerte
mi suerte necesita de tu suerte
y tu me necesitas mucho mas
Por eso no habra nunca despedida
ni paz alguna habra de consolarnos
El paso del dolor, ha de encontrarnos
de rodillas en la vida
frente a frente... y nada mas

jueves, setiembre 07, 2006

Stone Sour!!!

Through Glass

I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head

cause i'm looking at you through the glass,
don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever,
but no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head...

How do you feel, that is the question
But I forget you don't expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can't expect a bit of hope
So while you're outside looking in describing what you see
Remember what you're staring at is me

'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head

How much is real, so much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins contaminating everything
We thought came from the heart,
But never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
null and void instead of voices
Before you tell yourself
It's just a different scene
Remember its just different from what you've seen

I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head

cause i'm looking at you through the glass,
don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever,
but no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head...

And it's the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it's the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it's the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it's the stars
The stars that lie to you

I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head

'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head

And it's the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it's the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it's the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it's the stars
The stars that lie to you

Who are the stars?
Who are the stars?
They lie…

Me fascina esta cancion :O)

Mis nombres!!!

domingo, setiembre 03, 2006


Las palabras
Persiguiendo tu atención,
mis palabras se afanan en buscarte,
tratan de hacerse visible, de encontrarte.
Y las oigo desde dentro de mi alma,
siento que te pertenecen más a ti que a mí mismo.
Son, y han sido siempre, tuyas.
Ellas te buscan con inquietud
avanzan tras de ti para que me oigas
saben que, como yo, están predestinadas.
A veces fluyen, dejando más huella
en mí que en ti, su objetivo.
Van arañando mi piel para acariciar tus oídos.
Llenan el espacio entre nosotros;
abrazan cada segundo de mi existencia,
son las palabras que te buscan, te persiguen.
Como en el mito de aquel arquero,
marcando un punto de mira más alto
para llevar la flecha hasta la diana.
Ya sabes y deberías saber más:
sólo tienes que detenerte, escuchar,
dejar que te arrullen, dejar que te acompañen.